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Discover the temples of Kashi Vishwanath Corridor
An initiative of Government of India towards safeguarding the cultural heritage

Temples of Kashi
Vishwanath Corridor

Explore the architectural, sculptural and religious heritage of the temples of Kashi Vishwanath Temple Corridor

Varanasi in Art

Take a tour of Art of Varanasi

The City Plan of Varanasi, 18th century CE, Natural colour on cloth, Banaras, National Museum, New Delhi

The city of Benares, William Hodges, 1780-1783, Aquatint engravings, Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

Dasasumade Gaut at Benares on the Ganges, Thomas Daniell, Aquatint, 1796, Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

Ramgur, Thomas & William Daniell, Aquatint engraving, Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

Aurangzeb’s Mosque, Thomas Daniell, Oil on canvas, National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

Benares: The Manikarnika Ghat, Thomas Daniell, Oil on Canvas, National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

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