The elevation of garbhagriha which stands on a high adhishthana, is tri-ratha. There is a central broad offset called the bhadra projection on the wall. The walls are plain and now covered with plaster. On the west wall, there is a blind window on the bhadra and south wall have a plain projection. On the eastern façade, an elaborate framed door opening into garbhagriha has been projected. The door jamb has tri-shakhas. The innermost shakha is plain and middle band has kumbhas supporting an entablature in the form of a torana. The arched torana is decorated with floral design.
Above the garbhagriha, rises a shekhari shikhara (superstructure) comprising a central latina spire with uruh shringas (subsidiary towers) clustering around the shikhara on all sides. The three-storied shikhara is crowned by an amalaka over which rests a kalasha. On the rathika of all four sides of the shikhara, is an arched niche.