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Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple

Arushi Bisaria


Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva as Gangeshwar Mahadev.  Gangeshwar is considered to be a form of Shiva as the Lord of River Ganga. Lord Shiva and river Ganga are associated as mentioned in the Hindu scripture of Shiva Purana, Lord Shiva holds Ganga in his Jatta (matted locks of his hair) to slow down the extreme force of the river descending on earth from heaven. Thus, Lord Shiva who held river Ganga through his matted locks is known as Gangeshwar Mahadev or Gangadhar. This temple is one of the several temples recovered from Kashi  Vishwanath Temple Corridor, located near Manikarnika Ghat in Varanasi. This temple is rectangular in plan and aligned east to west. The main entrance of the temple is from the east which leads directly to the mandapa


No. 18 on map

Plan and Elevation

This east facing temple is consists of a mandapa (pillared hall), an antarala (vestibule) and garbha griha (sanctum). The open mandapa stands on a low adhisthana (plinth) and garbha-griha is resting on slightly high adhisthana. The temple elevation is pancharatha and is divided into three main divisions- adhishthana (plinth or base) with low relief mouldings, jangha (central portion of the temple) and the shikhara.

Shikhara, Mandapa, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi

Shikhara, Mandapa, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi

Mandapa, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi

Mandapa, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi


The square mandapa is open from all four sides and stands on a low adhisthana having a floral pattern. It is fronted by four beautifully carved pillars, one on each corner. Above it rests a latina shikhara, crowned by an amalaka and kalasha. A beautiful sculpture of Nandi bull is resting at the centre of of the mandapa, facing the garbha griha. Above Nandi, hangs a bell from the roof. The mandapa seems slightly detached from the garbha griha, as it probably was a later addition to the temple.

Pillars of the mandapa, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi

Pillars, Mandapa

The four pillars of the mandapa are divided into three main registers, namely pitha (base), stambha (shaft) and shirsh (head). All of these four pillars stand on a square plain base. The pitha of the pillar is decorated with a floral pattern. The shaft is divided into two sections. The lower section has low-relief carvings of miniature superstructure and the upper part is decorated with hanging bells. Above the shaft rests a lotus shaped abacus. Corbelled brackets are in the form of bharvahaka figures, supporting the ceiling of the mandapa from two sides and on the other side is a floral motif band similar to the motif on the base.


The elevation of garbhagriha (sanctum) standing on slightly higher jagati is pancharatha with five offsets projections on each side of the temple walls. The broad central projection is called bhadra, the pratibhadra is the subsidiary offset and karna is the corner offset. The jagati of garbhagriha is plain and adhisthana is having a floral pattern similar to that of mandapa. The projections on jangha are in the form of stambha, with a carved base and four mouldings running across the width. The top of the jangha is carved with several other mouldings.

Garbhagriha, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi

Garbhagriha, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi

The bhadras of north and south wall contain a large window each, set under an ornate torana within a panel. The window on the bhadra of the north wall is open and carved with an ornate torana. The torana is decorated with a floral garland with lotus bud pendants and parrots sitting over it. The arch rests on stambhas topped with kalasha motifs. The torana is the exact replica of the torana of mandapa. The window on the bhadra of the south wall is having honeycomb pattern and is mounted with two plain shakhas (jambs). The west side of bhadra is plain. The edge of the roof is carved with lotus bud pattern and plain mouldings. Above it rests a shikhara.

Window on bhadra of north wall, Garbhagriha, Gangeshwar mahadev Temple, Varanasi


Above the sanctum rises a shekhari shikhara (spire), comprising a central latina spire with uruh shringas (subsidiary towers) adorning the shikhara from all sides. The four storeyed shikhara is surmounted by an amalaka crowned with a finial of kalasha and a trishula, the ayudha of Shiva. The rathika, on all four sides of the shikhara, contains a miniature shrine with a deity inside.

Bhairava on central projection of Shikhara, Garbhagriha, Gangeshwar mahadev Temple, Varanasi

On the North side of the shikhara, Lord Bhairava can be seen with four arms. He is standing with his dog with one leg crossed over the other. He is depicted holding a club, a trident, and a bowl. While his lower right hand holds a skull. His vahana (vehicle) dog is shown with protruding teeth and a menacing expression. On the south side, the fierce Goddess Kali can be seen standing on Lord Shiva who lies underneath her.

Shikhara, Garbhagriha, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi

Shikhara, Garbhagriha, Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Varanasi

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